
Muntons digester wins top award in its first year

By: JimOldfield

July 21st, 2016

Less than a year after opening its new £5.4m anaerobic digester (AD) plant, to convert its waste products into more than 10 per cent of its total electricity needs, maltster Muntons has seen the plant win a top industry award. The Stowmarket plant took the award for Best food and drink industry AD project, at Read the full post…

Barley stocks rising… but don’t say cheers just yet

By: JimOldfield

July 7th, 2016

Global barley production is about to rise say the latest estimates… but that may not result in cheers for the country’s brewers. Stocks are on the rise across key growing areas thanks to plentiful rain. But the heavy rain may have hit quality in Europe, which could hit the availablility of high-quality grain for malting Read the full post…

Underground fire rips through malting plant

By: JimOldfield

October 15th, 2012

Firefighters were called to Essex maltsters Baird’s Malt yesterday (October 14) after a fire broke out in an underground tunnel. Crews needed breathing apparatus as they tackled the blaze at the Witham plant, which is Baird’s largest site and houses its HQ, shortly before 11am. However the flames were extinguished within 45 minutes. The plant Read the full post…

Muntons win world first energy standard

By: JimOldfield

October 15th, 2012

Eco-minded UK maltsters Muntons have become the first maltings company in the world to gain the prestigious international standard for energy management. The Suffolk-based company has also become one of the first companies in the UK to achieve the exacting ISO50001 standard which demands highly robust energy management practices and that tough energy-savings targets are Read the full post…

All change at top maltsters as Gordon returns to States

By: JimOldfield

September 23rd, 2012

Crisp Maltings has appointed Steve Le Poidevin as its brewing sales director, succeeding Gordon Tilley, who has left the group to become Charles Faram’s CEO in the USA and Canada. Mr Tilley took up his new post on September 1 and Mr Le Poidevin starts in his new role on October 1. Crisp managing director Read the full post…

Toxic fungus found on brewing barley

By: JimOldfield

August 14th, 2012

Alternaria fungi have been found in a wide variety of crops including malting barley, Campden BRI’s brewing division is warning. Some species can produce toxins and the European Food Safety Authority has undertaken a survey. It has reported the presence of these toxins in alcoholic beverages – as well as fruit, vegetable juices, grain-based products, Read the full post…

A hard rain falls on UK barley producers

By: JimOldfield

August 7th, 2012

Raindrops keep falling on the heads of the UK’s malting barley producers – and not just in the washed-out fields. HM Revenue and Customs figures showed a year-on-year annual plunge of 16 per cent in total UK malt exports for the period July 2011 to May 2012, while imports were 28.6 per cent higher. Japan Read the full post…

Lightning strikes eight times as ‘UK ale’ is voted best beer in California!

By: JimOldfield

July 5th, 2012

A Californian brewery has created the best craft beer in the entire state… after brewing it with a mix of ingredients sourced from the UK! San Diego’s Lightning Brewery topped 476 entries from 60 breweries across the state, to take Best of Show at the California State Fair Commercial Brewing Competition, with its Old Tempestuous Read the full post…

Muntons boost Asia trade with pre-Olympic visit

By: JimOldfield

June 24th, 2012

British maltsters Muntons entertained Japanese Ambassador Keiichi Hayash and First Secretary, Koji Maruyama when the men visited Suffolk on a tour of local businesses a a prelude to the London Olympics. The Stowmarket company is one of the region’s largest exporters and the visitors enjoyed a tour of the new Muntons Centre for Excellence, where Read the full post…

Government’s business boss wowed by Britain’s magnificent malt!

By: JimOldfield

June 12th, 2012

A top Government Minister has declared Britain’s malt producers one of the nation’s “best kept success secrets” – after a fact-finding trip to one of the country’s leading maltsters. Norman Lamb, MP and Under-Secretary of State at the department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) visited Crisp Maltings HQ at Great Ryburgh, Norfolk. And he Read the full post…