
Small beer… Hand-Pumped in brief

By: JimOldfield

July 22nd, 2016

Sometimes news, like beer, comes in gills rather than pints. Here’s Hand-Pumped’s latest round-up of ale stories in brief:   New Prime Minister Theresa May has only been in the job a few days… but already she has her own BEER! Come What May has been brewed in her honour by Hieneken UK’s pub business, Read the full post…

Wheaty McWheatface is top wheat beer research vessel!

By: JimOldfield

July 6th, 2016

Hard on the heels of Boaty McBoatface being picked online, as the name for a new polar research vessel, the golden touch of McFace has struck once again! This time Wheaty McWheatface – the brand new brew of West Berkshire Brewery –  has come out on top, winning the 2016 Imbibe Wheat Beer Challenge.   Read the full post…

Wye-ever not.. 24,000 pints come to Hereford beer festival!

By: JimOldfield

July 5th, 2016

They’re a thirsty lot in Hereford… and this weekend they will be proving it once more, by sinking a staggering 24,000 pints at the town’s 12th CAMRA Hereford beer festival! Beer on the Wye XII takes placed in a huge marquee alongside Hereford Rowing Club, which over the three-day weekend will play host to more Read the full post…

Whitbread Pale Ale returns to London pubs

By: JimOldfield

July 3rd, 2016

Whitbread Pale Ale is to return to London pubs… after a 50-year break! Under a new agreement the ale, last brewed in 1976, will be produced again – under licence – by the Windsor & Eton Brewery. It is now available exclusively at the Draft House, in Old Street in the capital for the coming Read the full post…

CAMRA Beer Olympics 2012… the winners!

By: JimOldfield

June 27th, 2012

The Trawlerboys of Lowestoft’s Green Jack Brewery netted silver at the CAMRA Beer Olympics, with their best bitter coming in just behind Coniston’s No 9 Barley Wine, as the runner-up in the Champion Beer of Britain (CBOB) contest this afternoon. Trawlerboys is a 4.6 per cent ale, described as “a rich, malty and fruity copper-coloured Read the full post…